Monday, January 18, 2010

If I can fast you can too: Day Eight

There is no greater battle than one you fight internally. One part of you wants you to do something that another part of you doesn't. There are several internal battles going on when you fast. One of course being the need for food and your head telling you it's for purpose keep trying. Then there is the battle the devil tries to win. He will tell you it's not worth it, that you can't do it, and if you have messed up he will play on that. He will lay on the guilt that you have already broken your fast, so you might as well not even restart. Dealing with your own self doubt is even harder than dealing with lack of food. The shining light with the devil's attacks though, it's a sign that the fast is working!!! So tell the devil "Bring it on! Give it your best shot!" How can you possibly loose when you are getting conformation that your sacrifice is working!
I too am being attacked. I was written up at work on the second day of this fast. I have also had some trouble praying,I just can't seem to stay focused when I start. I am very discouraged at work and do wonder what it's all for. I am not some perky cheerleader all the time. I seem to have a look on my face that causes people to ask if I'm ok. So, to those who are wondering, no I don't have all the answers and yes I do struggle with things, same as you. I just have to remember that I am doing GOD's will and everything WILL be okay in the end.

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