Monday, January 25, 2010

If I can fast you can too-Day 15

I have converted to the Daniel fast. I have since last Wednesday. I have also had some wonderful and some scary messages from God this week. First I had a message from him through Perry Stone( a visiting pastor) about my personal life. The kicker is I didn't go to church that night, I was in a really bad mood and didn't want to leave. Even though I was acting crappy God still was thinking of me. My best friend went to that night and she told me about the next day. As soon as I read her text message about what God said, I broke down crying, at work, in the middle aisle. I knew that was meant for me because it was a confirmation about what I was praying for!!!! Secondly I have had two dreams, in which God told me what he expects of me. I am both scared and elated. One last story to show an example that fasting is working. A friend of mine has been having marital problems and her and her husband decided to fast for their marriage and other things. Yesterday I dropped my friend off at her husband job to pick up their car and before she could pull out a car blocked her path. In this car was a woman who has been trying to convince my friend's husband to leave her. The other woman thought my friend's husband was in the van and surprised to find that it was not. Normally my friend would have went off, but she prayed to God to give her strength and to respond how HE would want her too, and she did. She was polite and respectful to the woman trying to steal her husband!!! Later that night she and her husband spoke and he told her how he noticed her change and how her reaction that day was not her normality and he asked why. She responded that she knew what he was all about and it wasn't breaking up their family. Something she had been struggling to accept for a long time. Yet one fast and a some faith in God and the answer was clear as day to her. The have a wonderful family oriented evening, instead of a fighting match. Praise God for he truly is good!!

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